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Emergency Links
CERT Newsletter

aresinc.gif (2461 bytes) ARES INFORMATION

What Is ARES

Alexander County ARES/RACES is a part of the Amateur Radio Emergency Service a part of the  American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Field Organization. The ARRL is the largest amateur radio advocacy and fraternal organization in the United States. ARES consists of licensed amateur radio operators who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment for communications duty in the public serive when disaster strikes. Every licensed amateur, regardless of membership in ARRL or any other local or national organization, is eligible for membership in the ARES. The only qualification, other than being a licensed amateur radio operator, is a sincere desire to serve.  Today, ARES provides the organization and guidance to help amateur radio operators to establish a local emergency communications group. Emergency Coordinators work with local government agencies such as police, fire, sheriff, search and rescue and offices of emergency management to determine what emergency communications needs may exist. (Thanks to ARESCO and Charles Hayworth, K4MPJ for the above information).

For additional information about emergency communications and ARES activities in North Carolina access the North Carolina ARES Website and the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management webpage.

For additonal information about Amateur Radio and Emergency communications see "Amateur Radio Emergency Communications" and "Using Amateur Radio in an Emergency."

You may access the "Public Service Communications Manual" online.

Alexander County ARES/RACES operates a repeater on a frequency of 447.95/442.95 MHz located on Linney's Mountain in Taylorsville, NC with the callsign of KF4CYI. The repeater has an open auto patch and backup battery power. Weekly training nets are a big part of our total preparation for emergency and public service communications. Nets are held each Tuesday evening at 9:00 PM local time on the 442.95/R.  Our members also participate in SKYWARN activities, public service events, the annual Simulated Emergency Test and Field Day.

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